Art as prey

Susanna, painting (Susanna und die beiden Alten, ca. 1630 – 1635, Massimo Stanzione, Staedel´Museum, Frankfurt), placticine, hand of a visitor, Frankfurt, 2022
Maria Magdalena
La Belle Allemande, Maria Magdalena
Wooden sculpture des Gregor Erhart (1460 – 1540)
Loot art
I go on a tour of Mary Magdalene, from Berlin to Paris and Munich, to knead the different versions. The figure in the Louvre comes from Hermann Göring’s art collection and was returned to France as restitution.
DHM, BADV and Federal Archives make Hermann Göring’s art collection available as data and image banks for provenance research and interested research institutions.
former owner: unknown
Consignment: Louvre / Paris, acquired through exchange (Museum France)
Remaining after 1945: Restitution France